Haft2Know just reminded me of Pop Bar. It was on my list of places to visit during my last trip to NYC, but I sadly ran out of time. It's definitely on the To Do List for my next juant! Food on a stick is the best – especially when it's made with gelato and premium toppings... drool.
In my humble opinion, this bistro on Rue du Vertbois with only 12 tables, is one of the most charming Parisian restaurants I have ever visited. You can get mile-high plates of match-stick frites and escargot the size of a walnut! Heaven.
The Four Seasons in Florence, a former papal residence, is perhaps as close to the divine as a mere mortal can hope to get these days. Boasting a beautiful Renaissance palazzo, 15th century frescos and the largest private garden in Italy – I don't know how you can go home after and not want to set fire to everything you own.
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